40 business leaders have been working on a vision for Malta. In the run-up to the local elections, they have compiled a manifesto for political parties to consider
Focus is on future generations with recommendations transcending elections. The 2022 general elections provide Malta with the opportunity to create the future we want. It is also a significant election, as it allows 16- and 17-year-olds the opportunity to vote for the first time.
In the run-up to the elections, local think-tank forty under forty is realising its ‘Manifesto for the future.’ Forty under forty is a community of business leaders with passion, ambition, and an innate belief in Malta’s potential.
It is a community of thinkers and doers; of achievers and dreamers; of risk-takers and of responsible individuals. Over the past few months, it has been holding several workshops and panels, moderated by a number of experts, on policies anchored around well-being.
JP Fabri and Nicky Gouder, co-founders of forty under forty said that “We are living through difficult times. Whilst still recovering from the pandemic, a war is unfolding in Ukraine with an expected significant economic impact. Never has the need to think and plan for the future been so relevant.
Many of the findings and recommendations in this ‘Manifesto for the Future’ seek to highlight how we can do that better. In every crisis there are two phases: the first where you respond and the second where you learn. To be successful you must have both. This document includes the key recommendations we believe the newly elected government should consider.
We built these recommendations around several ambitions for Malta. If we wish to make progress, make our country succeed, and build our prosperity for the twenty-first century in keeping with our history, we must act. Because the solution depends on us.”
The recommendations are built around several ambitions for Malta and some of the key proposals are:
• Launch a national investment fund to leverage on increased amount of savings with Maltese banks
• A gradual reduction in the corporate tax rate over a period of 5 years
• Develop a start-up focused ecosystem, by bringing an international accelerator, a national seed capital investment fund, as well as patient finance through the Malta Development Bank
• Appoint a Junior Minister for Health Prevention, and top slice budgets to spend on preventive policies
• Start a dual-focused educational system, with a strong focus on apprenticeship to target early school leavers
• Develop and fund ‘cultural corridors’ across Malta that encourage public, private, and voluntary sectors to connect cultural and creative sites, programmes and institutions
• Ensure people can access green spaces within 300 metres of their home by having green lungs in every village and locality
• Develop a ‘digital to the core’ strategy and ensure that Malta has a functioning eidentity system including recognised digital signatures, and that all processes are redesigned to be digital first
• Resource and revamp the Guardian of Future Generations for it to play a key role in policymaking
• Establish a Council for the Future, and engage the brightest and best from all levels of government and public sector to collaborate alongside the private sector, to create innovative solutions to current or future challenges
• Launch a Governance Transformation Unit within OPM, to redesign Malta’s governance system, including the electoral process, media landscape, public service, and decision-making
Asia Awards 2022:
The Asia Awards will be held during the first edition of SiGMA Asia. Alongside premier networking opportunities, the gala event brings together luminaries in the industry for an evening of recognition and celebration of achievement, attracting a guest list of over 300 esteemed individuals to its inaugural debut. Give recognition where it’s due by nominating someone whose work has created a positive impact on the industry. You can join us and witness the most intriguing and creative projects changing the face of the sphere. Book a seat at the Asia Awards by sending your request here.